Sunday, December 18, 2005

Marketing Your Cashflowpc products using safe lists

(To get started read the article on safe lists found on
You need:
* Your products page links
* Ad copy for email ads
* Safe list accounts

1. Once you joined Cashflowpc you received a basic products page storefront that also has a back office like this one:

Your basic affiliate link is your main product page url. You can also create more links (called tracking links) for your main storefront as well as a link to just the VoIP page. To do this go to Link tracker. Create a campaign. Once created click on the Link Code icon. This takes you to that screen. There you will see some banners and a text ad Start Earning Today. Choose one.
Next choose a pre-defined link from the drop down menu. Then choose your campaign. Then click on the Generate Link code icon. This will generate the html code. Copy/paste it to a document and save. In that code you will find your url as well as the banner .gif. Pick those out, copy/paste and save to the same document. For example my tracking url for my affiliate link above is :

2. Ad copy
* There are some example ads on the forum. Add your links and you are ready to go. I suggest using tracking links to test the effectiveness of your email/safe list marketing, then your Ffa marketing and etc. Note: these links are long and do not work on some adblasters nor do they do well on traffic exchanges. For those venues you need to use your main affiliate link or get yourself a tiny url. (recommended.)

* Be creative and modify, expand and etc the ad copy you find. Write your own! However, be factual and keep your ad copy to the point and truthful. Nothing turns a person off faster than being hyped or mislead.

* Also note, do not use misleading subject lines however tempting. Especially avoid using the word ‘confirm’ or ‘verify’ or ‘validate’. Many people use filters to separate their safe list validation emails out from the rest of their mail. Nothing is more irritating to open that folder and find it filled with ads! Personally, I take notes. I open them to see who sent it then black list that person. I do not sign up for that program or purchase anything from them - not then, not ever. In some cases I report them to the safe list owner for abuse. You will note that most lists prohibit the use of misleading subject lines and will ban your account if you ignore that rule.

Sound mean? It isn’t. The person is being abusive and abusing the list concerned. You do not have to be subject to that kind of behavior. Just be sure you don’t practice it…lol.

3. Safe lists
You should already have read the basic articles pertaining to safe lists when you started marketing your vouchers. You will use the same lists as before, adding more lists as you go along.

As with the vouchers, it is very important to post consistently. You want to keep your ads out there so when that person does decide to respond he/she does so on YOUR ad - not someone else’s. You are basically going to COMBINE your voucher marketing with your product marketing so you will be using many different subject lines. You will find different subject lines posted under Ad Copy. Be creative as well! Just remember to be factual.

With the products, you will need to look at your venues. Some lists specify they target opportunity seekers. So, for these venues you want to emphasis Cashflowpc makes a good business selling products - products being….and then your list of products. A tactic for these audiences is also to tell them they get VoIP at wholesale when the join Cashflowpc and buy from themselves.

Because of these consideration, multi topic ads are useful. You can lead off with “purchase VoIP for only $6 monthly” and tell them how they do that, then lead them to your voucher then lead them to marketing resources or other products.

Another consideration is keeping your ads short and to the point. While lots of affiliate programs write these long, involved emails to convince you to join the program the truth is people seldom read them. They scan. People are in a hurry getting to that link to click to get their credits or cash. Basically you want to:

*Keep it short
* Use flag words like ‘f.ree’, ‘save m.oney’, ‘earn’, ‘easy to use’ to catch peoples attention while they scan.
* Give them the links
*tell them to take action.

Keys to safe list marketing:
*Do it consistently
*Do it often
*Use as many lists as you can handle
*Vary your subject lines and ad content
*Try different strategies
- Cherie Halliday 12-18-05


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