Max gxl is a process which assists the body in producing glutathione also known as gsh. While Glutathione is not yet a household word, it is crucial to your health. Even some medical and holistic doctors who have heard the term may still have only a vague idea of what it is.
In the last five years, over 25,000 medical articles about this substance have been published, and the scientific understanding of glutathione is gradually becoming common knowledge. Each and every cell in the body is responsible for its own supply of glutathione and must have the necessary raw materals in order to produce it. Glutathione is always in great demand and is rapidly consumed when we experience any sort of emotional or physical stress, fatigue and even moderate exercise. ( see full article on Glutathione)
Max gxl is not gluathione. It is a process which passes the stomach and enters into the blood stream. From there, it goes to your cells and then assists your cells producing the antioxidant as well as helping your liver process spent gsh. You can buy Max gxl from Independent Distributors. You can also become a distributor yourself during pre launch.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Glutathione antioxidant and Max gxl
Posted by at 11:46 PM
Labels: get max gxl, glutathione, gsh, max gxl, max gxl antioxidant, max gxl gsh, maxgxl