Wednesday, November 2, 2005

Use the 8 million credit give away to promote Cashflowpc

Many exciting things are developing with Cashflowpc and the emphasis remains building your individual team. You have two major means of attracting recruits - the continuing voucher program and the 8 Million V-line credits to be distributed to Vortex members 11-20.

Using this event to promote your voucher can be quite effective. Here are some example subject lines you are welcome to use as is or modify:

Vortex to distribute 8 million V-line credits to all members

Get YOUR share of 8 million V-lines credits - f.ree!

Join n.ow and share 8 million V-line credits

No cost, no monthly - hot business plus V-line credits

Note how the words now and free are manipulated to read n.ow and f.ree. This is to get past the spam filters. I highly recommend you always use the handy spam filter checker, link found in the XtreamNet Marketing Center.

If you are not a member of Cashflowpc or Vortex you are welcome to join on my voucher VMINTLC77 at

Reminder: Xtream-Cfpc team members meet twice weekly at

To your success,
Cherie Halliday


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